On December 7 – 9, 2020 the largest Slovak IT conference, ITAPA 2020, took place in Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bratislava. Event organizers were faced with a difficult task – how to make hotel premises completely safe from COVID-19.
In 2019 there were 700 people attending ITAPA 2019 two-day conference. As 2020 was the year of the pandemic, it was obvious there will be fewer people present, however, at least 200 participants and speakers were expected to attend.
ITAPA team managed to create a corona-free environment in collaboration with partner companies. Realtime Technologies SK s.r.o. was one of them with AKIMist® DryFog disinfection units.
Our mobile disinfection units were placed where they were most necessary. The conference could be attended only by people with valid PCR or antigen tests. Antigen testing was available also on the hotel premises. We placed mobile disinfection units in the “waiting rooms” where people spend time until test results to make sure no one gets infected. Other units were located before the entrance to the main conference room.
Company director, Michal Porubec also gave a presentation on dry fog disinfection and dry fog humidification.
We are very proud our solution was used in this high-level event and AKIMist® DryFog disinfection units helped to secure a safe environment.